Exploring the Globe with Traveling Taya: Insights from a Pro Travel Influencer

As a full time travel blogger, part of where I get my inspiration from is watching other travel bloggers and influencers thrive and share their view on all the destinations that they go to. I’ve been a fan of this travel influencer for quite some time now. This gal is always on the go, hopping from country to country, sharing digital products, and sharing advice on how to travel full time.

Meet Taya, the gal behind Traveling Taya, a travel enthusiast who effortlessly blends her love for new destinations with a passion for sharing invaluable travel insights. As an avid explorer of diverse cultures, Taya is dedicated to making travel more accessible and enjoyable for all. Through her engaging content, she offers handy travel tips and shares her wealth of knowledge to assist others in orchestrating their own adventures.

Taya’s approach goes beyond just exploring; she is keen on empowering creators by providing guidance on forming successful collaborative partnerships. With a goal firmly set on instilling confidence and empowerment in planning and traveling, Taya has cultivated an inviting community for fellow travelers and creators alike.

Whether it’s through her eye-catching photography or her helpful resources, Taya invites you to join her as she navigates the globe, infusing every trip with her signature enthusiasm and expertise.

Scroll down to learn more about this talented creator and you might just get hit by a lightning bolt of inspiration.

How Traveling Taya Came to Be

Taya, you’ve built a fantastic platform for travel enthusiasts. Could you share what initially inspired you to start “Traveling Taya” and turn your passion for travel into a career?

Thank you so much! I initially began Traveling Taya because I wanted to inspire others to see that they can travel more than just on special occasions like their birthdays, holidays, etc. I was traveling frequently with a full-time job and wanted to show others that they can do the same. They don’t need to wait for XYZ to happen for them to travel to their dream destinations; with careful and meticulous planning, they can just do it. So I created this brand to inspire others how to do so.

How ‘Traveling Taya’ Elevates Travel Through Community and Content

Your website mentions that you aim to make travel more accessible and enjoyable. Can you elaborate on some of the ways you’re achieving this through your content and community engagement?

With the goal in mind to inspire others to travel more, it was important to show them how to do so. With every post, guidebook, and conversation I have, I focus on the value I can bring into that. While I share a lot of travel recommendations, I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t just showing others my trip, I wanted to show others how they can have their own trip, but of course, one that’s more significant and special to them. I’m always thinking of ways that I can help others – whether it’s through a travel recommendation, a solo travel tip, or a strategy to help out a fellow creator.

The Art of Balancing Creativity and Collaboration in Traveling Taya’s World

As both a creator and photographer, how do you balance your creativity with the business aspects like forming collaborative partnerships? Could you share a bit about that process?

I am constantly looking to build my network and expand my portfolio. A big part of Traveling Taya is forming collaborative partnerships because that has been what has formed my confidence and pushed my career in travel and content creation. I value forming collaborative partnerships because it gives me the opportunity to use my professionalism to be able to express myself and my creativity. When communicating with brands, I always ask myself “What can I provide that this brand is missing? How can I improve or add value? What sets me apart from other creators?”

Key Tips for Crafting the Ultimate Travel Experience from Traveling Taya’s Guidebook

You offer a travel planning guidebook on your site. What are some key elements or tips you include that you find most essential for successful travel planning?

For successful travel planning, it’s always important to really assess what kind of trip you want to have. Whether you’re hoping for a relaxing vacation or one filled with adventure, it’s important to identify those interests to help narrow down your destination options. I also always factor in whether it’s shoulder season and rainy season when looking at destinations. The goal is to have EVERYTHING figured out by the time you get on that flight so that you can thoroughly enjoy your vacation. The travel planning process comes very easy once you’re able to identify those interests and narrow down destinations based on that strategy.

The Unforgettable Beauty of Guatemala Through Traveling Taya’s Lens

From your travels, which destination has been your favorite to explore and capture through your lens and why?

This is ALWAYS such a hard question for me. All of my experiences in the destinations I’ve traveled to have been amazing in their own special ways. However, my favorite to capture through my lens has got to be Guatemala. I’ve always been fascinated with volcanoes ever since I was little, so when I learned that I could hike and camp on a dormant volcano to have practically front row seats to an active volcano that erupts like every 10 minutes- I knew I had to go and live that experience. It exceeded my expectations in every way possible. The footage I got was amazing, but there was nothing like being there in person. An experience I will never forget and always cherish.

What’s Next for Traveling Taya

What destinations are on your travel list for the upcoming year, and what content should your followers expect to see from these adventures?

Okay so even though I LOVE planning, there’s so many curveballs that life throws that I don’t typically plan my destinations that far in advance. I literally just got back from a 3 week solo trip in Ecuador so expect to see tons of Ecuador content from that experience. I did a lot of amazing things there and had such a great time volunteering and learning more about their culture. Also, my birthday is July 16 and after having mostly adventure filled trips this year, I wanted to just relax and unwind for my birthday trip. So in July I’ll be going to ARUBA! Stay tuned for all the beach, excursion, and relaxation content. The drone is coming and I also juts purchased an accessory for one of my cameras so I can take it underwater while I go snorkeling. I’m trying to go there and live my best life OKAY! I’m very excited for that trip.

Advice for Aspiring Travel Content Creators by Traveling Taya:

Given your success in a competitive field, what advice would you give to someone just starting out in travel blogging or content creation?

It’s not easy, and sometimes you’ll want to compare yourself to others and feel defeated. Everyone’s journey is different and the positive feedback/collabs you might be receiving might not have even come across that other person you’re comparing yourself to. So just focus on comparing your success to your past self rather than others in the community. Create content that makes you happy and proud of yourself. Be authentic, make connections, and create content that you love. These qualities are what will bring in your audience and opportunities.

Travel Hacks by a Full Time Travel Content Creator:

Can you share a couple of your favorite travel hacks that have made your travels more efficient or enjoyable?

I’ll give 3 of my favorite tips. My first one goes back to the importance of researching! Make sure you know everything you might need to know about your destination/trip so that everything is confirmed by the time you get to your trip. I hate worrying about logistics while I’m actually traveling. To avoid that, have everything figured out in advance. That way, the only thing you need to worry about is what’s next on your itinerary.

With that being said, it’s just as important to remain calm when in stressful situations. From flight cancellations, to storms, to not having a method of transportation to/from an activity… The worst thing you can do is panic. Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but remaining calm through adversity is how you learn and grow from the experience. Just panicking will make everything worse than it actually is. Trust me I know!

Last but definitely not least, make sure you always have a back-up plan. It can be a back-up activity, restaurant, or even having extra cash/change in case your card doesn’t work or a business doesn’t take a card. This kind of ties into my other tips because having that back-up plan will help minimize any potential panic that might end up happening when something goes wrong. I always tell myself to control the controllable. If there’s something you can do to make yourself feel better, do it! But don’t panic and stress over things that you can’t change- like the weather or things that have already been in place. Before traveling, research. While traveling, don’t panic and go to your plan B. With those tips in mind and effectively executed, traveling should be smooth!

And that was a peek into Taya’s captivating journey as a full-time travel influencer! I love that in this interview she showcases not only the breathtaking sceneries she captures but also her profound ability to transform travel insights and personal experiences into inspiring content.
Her stories are more than just travel logs; they are a source of motivation for anyone looking to explore the globe with confidence and creativity.
So, don’t just take our word for it—dive into Taya’s vibrant world yourself. Follow her on Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, check out her groundbreaking guidebooks, and immerse yourself in the enchanting and adventurous spirit of Traveling Taya.

Follow along and see the world through Taya’s lens and perhaps, catch the travel bug that will lead you to your next great adventure!


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