Through the Lens of Nikole Lynn, A Glimpse into California and Beyond

As a full-time travel influencer, I find so much fascination in other travel influencers and how they view the world. Nikole Lynn, a passionate photographer, and content creator based in Southern California has truly captivated my interest. Balancing her daytime role in marketing, Nikole dedicates her heart and soul to exploring and sharing the serene beauty of California and beyond. Her adventures span across the most unique and picturesque locations, be it hiking trails, campsites, or simply the natural charm of the West Coast. Today, I am thrilled to learn more about her world, exploring her favorite haunts and the inspirations behind her breathtaking captures.

Perspective is everything, and when it comes to travel, no perspective is the same, and that’s what makes it such a unique experience. Everyone’s journey is a personal tapestry of sights, sounds, and emotions, intricately woven with their individual perceptions, making each adventure truly one of a kind. In today’s article, we’ll be touching base on Nikole Lynn’s perspective and how her brand came to be.

Nikole Lynn on What Fueled Her Passion for Travel

Could you share what ignited your passion for travel and led you to establish your brand focused on California travel and beyond?

I’ve always had a deep desire for travel from a young age. Growing up in the small town of La Crescenta, California there wasn’t much to do unless you had a car so my traveling days were delayed until I was older but my longing for it only grew with the years. My first big trip outside of the US that really opened my eyes to how much I loved traveling was a month-long excursion to Europe taking me to Paris, Amsterdam, Italy, Croatia and Greece. The confidence you gain and the places you experience while traveling out of your comfort zone really struck a chord with me and I decided when I got back home to really focus on what areas I was missing out on exploring in my home state!

Nikole Lynn’s Cherished Destinations in California

Which destinations in California hold a special place in your heart and why?

Definitely the Big Sur and Carmel area. Camping in Big Sur holds a special place in my heart and there’s truly no place else like this stretch of highway. Everytime I go here and take pictures I’m always left feeling recharged and inspired. Carmel also has the same effect on me. I love the storybook charm this area has and the hidden alleyways and stores tucked away in the downtown area. Another honorable mention is Lake Tahoe, I always have told myself one day I’ll own a vacation cabin here and I’m manifesting this for the future!

Exploring Beyond California: Nikole Lynn Recommends Must-Visit U.S. Travel Spots

Beyond the borders of California, can you share a couple of your favorite travel spots across the country that you believe everyone should try to visit at least once?

Aside from California, I would definitely recommend a 10 day road trip through Utah highlighting the 5 national parks tucked away in this beautiful state. I did this road trip back in 2021 and it was one of my favorite trips to date. We got to see so many small towns and beautiful desert landscapes during this trip. Arches National Park is stunning and the unexpected beauty of Capitol Reef really took me by surprise. I really look forward to doing this trip again in the future.

Balancing New Motherhood with Upcoming Travel Adventures

With summer right around the corner, can you give us a sneak peek into any travel plans or dream destinations you’re aiming to explore? What makes these places appealing for your next adventure?

My travel destinations are limited to my couch for the months of June-August, I just had a baby so all my focus is on him for the time being until the end of August where I’ll be heading up to Marshall, California. I love this area for its simplicity and charm so I’m really looking forward to visiting and uncovering more gems in this small town! I also would love to squeeze in some camping in Redwoods National Park before summer ends!

Travel Hacks by a Travel Influencer

Could you share a favorite travel hack or piece of advice that has significantly improved your travel experiences?

A piece of advice I would give in regards to traveling would be to LOWER your expectations. There have been so many times I built up an experience or location only for it to let me down. I grew tired of feeling like I was robbed of this expectation I created in my mind and I decided to just shift my mentality and simply be excited to explore. Once I simplified the excitement to just taking in a new area I found myself appreciating every trip I took!

Nikole Lynn’s Recommendations for Off-the-Beat Path Explorations in California

For visitors or new locals looking to explore, what lesser-known spots in Southern California would you recommend they check out?

I love the small town of Ojai! It’s a great day trip from Los Angeles and you can even squeeze in a beach day in Ventura while visiting here! I also love Los Olivos and the Santa Ynez area. The mixture of good wineries, rolling hills and small town charm here is perfect for a weekend trip for any new locals or visitors in the Southern California area.

Striking the Perfect Balance: Nikole Lynn on Navigating Content Creation and Staying Present in the Moment

Finally, as both a photographer and content creator, could you share a little about your process? How do you balance capturing the moment through your lens while also ensuring you’re fully present in these beautiful places?

Finding a balance of creating content while actually enjoying the moment has been tricky. On one hand I want to capture and experience literally everything, but on the other l know that’s impossible when exploring a new destination.

What I’ve found helps me the most is to create a map of all the points of interests I want to hit and build a loose itinerary. I’ve found the more strict the itinerary the higher my anxiety is so I like to just go with the flow of my plan but leave room spontaneity.

I always keep a list of shots I want to get in my notes app on my phone so once I hit those I then start just focusing on capturing content for “fun” rather than for my page.

Another thing that helps is that it’s so important for me to feel present just in general. Living in a generation filled with waiting for the next dopamine hit via doom scrolling really has engraved in my brain that it’s important to disconnect and create simply for the joy of it!

Like I mentioned earlier, travel is all about perspective. We loved following along Nikole Lynn’s journey and hearing about her favorite parts of California and beyond! I hope her beautiful photos and videos inspire you to take that next trip out to Central Coast California soon. May her adventures encourage you to create your own unforgettable memories, wherever your heart leads you.

Curious to follow along her journey? You can find Nikole Lynn on Instagram and her blog!


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