Maximize Your Future: How to Use the Last Day of Each Month for Strategic Planning Ahead

by nica lina goal setting

Let’s Talk About the Power of Monthly Planning for a Beautiful Month Ahead, Manifesting, Synchronizing with the Moon, and More

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved the art of monthly planning, writing to-do lists, goal setting, yearly planning, and everything that has to do with getting organized about every single facet of my life. I’ve always loved perusing around Target or a stationary store and buying a notebook specifically for planning or writing all my ideas down. If you’re anything like me, then I can imagine you must love Sundays because that means you get to sit down, decompress, and plan for a beautiful week ahead. You must have some sort of ritual where you sit down and plan every single piece of your life, and genuinely enjoy it. If the ritual of making yourself a cup of coffee, journaling your thoughts, spending time with a planner, and devoting an hour each day to these three activities resonates with you, then I know we are meant to be best friends. I also know you’ll love today’s blog post on planning for a beautiful month ahead.

Yesterday was the last day of September and I decided to drive out to Half Moon Bay, sit in the trunk of my Bronco with a blanket, my iPad, my laptop, camera, journal, and book, and decided to spend the entire afternoon by myself planning for October. It was such a beautiful afternoon, and the sun ended up coming out and I was able to sit at one of the outdoor tables with a breathtaking view of the Pacific Ocean.

goal setting for October 2023 planning for the month ahead goal setting for October 2023

The Power of Manifesting with Curated Lists

I’m a huge believe in that manifestation plays a crucial role in shaping our reality. Every month, I take time to list down my desires, dreams, and things that I want to attract into my life. The sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that comes when I cross off realized dreams is unmatched. In the previous month, I saw my dreams of a new and vibrant living situation, fresh friendships, exciting brand sponsorships for By Nica Lina, as well as new clientele for She’s Out of Town turn into reality. While not everything on my list came true just yet, I trust the Universe’s timing and know that they will happen when meant to.

When I put pen to paper to craft this list for monthly planning, or even when I minutely let my mind wander to my wishes, I harness the power of visualization; I envision myself already living and experiencing these desires – savoring the joy of achieving them. Back in the days, I frequently drove to Malibu in my BMW, all the while visualizing the thrilling experience of cruising down the Pacific Coast Highway in a sleek Bronco. I dreamt of the grandeur of a life up north, tranquility of residing by the ocean, and the thrill of owning my own business. And today, a lot of these dreams have found their way into my reality. I have always had a resolute belief in the power of manifestation and firmly believe that it can be a robust tool to harness our deepest aspirations in this life.

But manifestation is not solely about visualization. It requires dedication, hard work, and effort to meet the Universe halfway. Realizing dreams does not happen in thin air; it requires consistent efforts and actions aligning with your goals. For instance, owning the Bronco required more than just visualizing it. I had to make a conscious effort, put in the work, and meet the Universe halfway. Similarly, my travel-centric business did not happen by chance. It required relentless efforts, acquiring new skills, and relentless learning through several courses before I could establish a business that allowed me the freedom to work from virtually anywhere.

Manifestation coupled with dedicated actions turns dreams into reality. And that’s the magic of it — when you visualize and work towards your goals, the universe tends to conspire in helping you achieve them.

How to Create a Manifestation List | Monthly Planning Made Easy

Take a moment to sit quietly and delve into what it is you truly crave right now. Brush aside any indecisiveness about whether it’s a ‘want’ or a ‘need’. Don’t overthink, don’t judge yourself. Just write down everything that pops into your mind – your needs, desires, and wants. Perhaps it’s a new car, a job you’ve been eyeing, your dream client, a $10,000 contract or even a new canine companion? Whatever it is, write it down.

The next step is to visualize this desire becoming a reality. For instance, let’s say it’s locking in a $10,000 client – imagine this scenario unfolding: You’re sipping coffee in the grand lobby of a chic hotel. You stumble into a stranger, get chatting, and find out they’re a thriving business owner in need of an influencer marketing expert for an upcoming event. As the owner of a digital marketing agency with robust influencer networks and a talented team, you’re their perfect match – and boom! There’s your $10,000 deal. Regardless of how extravagant or impossible this visualization might seem, just immerse yourself completely in it. Feel it, embody it, and watch it unfold.

The process begins with a simple list. It could be five things or dive headlong into detailing fifty or even a hundred desires. Just pour it all out when you’re planning out the month.

Synchronizing with Natural Cycles: The Full Moon

Synchronizing with the moon, especially as a woman, helps connect us to nature’s rhythms in profound ways. The lunar cycle, characterized by the waxing and waning of the moon, has been closely entwined with the feminine and her natural processes in various cultures and traditions.

For instance, human menstrual cycles were once synchronized with the lunar cycle, indicating that our ancestors knew that there was a deep-seated connection between women and the moon. Aligning with the moon’s cycle helps maintain and replenish our “Shakti” or divine feminine energy. Certain phases of the moon, such as the new moon, are a great time for women to introspect and honor inner rhythms.

Another benefit of aligning with the moon, particularly your menstrual cycle, is that it truly offers a richer understanding and connection to your body’s inherent cycles, fostering greater self-awareness and self-care. This alignment resonates with me deeply and enriches my well being—physically, mentally, and spiritually. Ever since I started living in unison with the moon, my quality of life has increased and I’ve gotten to know myself so much more.

How to Sync with the Moon as a Woman | Monthly Planning with the Moon

  1. Understand the Lunar Cycle. The lunar cycle lasts about 29.5 days and comprises four key phases: new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter. These phases echo the ebb and flow of our own natural cycles, with energy waxing and waning along with the moon.
  2. Track your cycle. Track your own menstrual cycle and observe any patterns that align with the moon’s phases. The average menstrual cycle is roughly the same length as the lunar cycle.
  3. Align Your Cycle. Some women have their periods during the new moon (a quieter, introspective phase) and ovulate during the full moon (a time of peak energy and fertility). However, keep in mind that each woman’s cycle is unique, and personal alignment might differ. My cycle is completely aligned with the moon’s cycle.
  4. Embrace the Phases. Recognize corresponding stages in your cycle. The new moon aligns with menstruation, the waxing moon with the follicular phase, the full moon with ovulation, and the waning moon with the luteal phase. This past month I befriended the luteal phase, a phase that I’ve always struggled with, it triggers my anxiety and deep rooted fears. I learned to really take the time to calm myself down and take care of myself more during this time because I know that I need it most.
  5. Intention Setting and Reflection. Utilize the new moon and full moon times for setting goals and reflection. Make inward journeying, rest, reflection, and intention-setting a priority at the new moon. The full moon phase can be used to evaluate and adjust what’s needed to manifest your desires.
  6. Lifestyle Adjustments. Engage in self-care practices in tune with the lunar cycle. Rest and rejuvenate during the new moon, engage in creative activities during waxing moon, connect socially during the full moon, and cleanse or detoxify during the last quarter or waning moon. Monthly planning with the moon helps you thrive spiritually, physically, and emotionally as a woman.

Health & Wellness: Organizing Appointments, Self-Care Days, and Social Days When Planning the Month

For this month, I outlined several personal goals aimed at enhancing my social fulfillment, nurturing connections, and ensuring personal wellbeing. A core aspect of this plan is scheduling regular time to relax and unwind with a girlfriend or two, a habit I strive to keep once a week. I believe bonding over a cup of coffee or a long stroll in the park not only deepens my friendships but also serves as an excellent way to de-stress and regain perspective in life.

As a resident of the lively city of San Francisco, I realize how rich the city is with events and happenings. This month, I intend to diversify my experiences by saying ‘yes’ to attending more local events that I get invited to! By doing so, I get the chance to become well acquainted with the cultural and social aspects of the city, helping me feel more firmly rooted and connected to my new community.

Despite my social pursuits, I deeply understand that some of my most treasured moments are the ones I spend with myself, during my self-care days. Setting aside time to cater to my own emotions and physical well-being has always been a priority for me. This month is no different.

At the beginning of each month, I make a point to get in touch with my hairdresser, Frida. This routine is more than just about maintaining my hair health; it symbolizes a new beginning, a refreshment of my look, aligning with the new energies of the new month. Like any other month, I will be penciling in a date with Frida again.

Although I used to regularly schedule nail appointments at Archer Nail Bar, lately I have been enamored with the minimalist aesthetic of bare nails. There’s a timeless elegance to it that appeals to me, so I’ve decided to embrace it at least for a while. I also like to schedule a monthly facial as well, ensuring my skin is always in tip-top shape.

In the sphere of health and wellness, I ensure to schedule all the necessary check-ups and health-related appointments. This means making time for acupuncture treatments, regular dental checks, or any other specific health appointments if required. This month, I’m planning to pencil in an eye appointment because I’ve been squinting far more than I should be and think it’s time to invest in some new frames.

Taking good care of myself is a central aspect of living a balanced, harmonious life. Be it grooming at the salon, attending medical appointments, or dedicating time for relaxation and social involvement, I believe all these elements contribute to a healthy, joyful living experience. T

VI. Entertainment Planning: Movies, Activities, Meal Planning

Long gone are the days where I find myself wondering what restaurant to choose for date night with my significant other or which dish to cook for the week. Now, I plan out all the meals for the entire month—and it feels empowering. I realized that constantly deciding on where to eat or what to cook can be both time-consuming and frustrating. So, I prefer taking a practical approach and making a comprehensive plan.

I enjoy writing down the names of restaurants and bars we want to explore, as well as the meals I plan to cook for the month. This month, I’m looking forward to treating our taste buds to dishes like teriyaki salmon, sinigang, and miso broiled eggplant!

To save even more time, I prepare a list of movies and shows that we might want to watch. Gone are the days of endless scrolling through Netflix; my list has got us covered.

In addition to food and entertainment, I love filling my month with exciting activities. Fall is my favorite season, and October is the best month of all! I have a plethora of activities in mind for the month, including many fall classics: visiting a pumpkin patch, going apple picking, enjoying a scenic drive, and hiking up in Marin County.

Writing all these plans down when monthly planning not only keeps me organized and content but gives me such a satisfying feeling when I can finally cross something off the list. It’s a simple pleasure that adds so much joy to my life.

Always Make Time for Monthly Planning

Sitting down and planning out your month can truly be a game changer. This is especially crucial if you’ve got a hectic month ahead with demanding work schedules and travel plans. By penciling in self-care days well in advance, you’re essentially prioritizing your wellbeing amidst the chaos. Similarly, it helps to identify when you’re available to catch up with close friends, ensuring your social life doesn’t take a backseat.

Interestingly, having a well-thought-out plan can actually serve as a springboard for spontaneity. When you know what your month looks like, it’s much easier to identify gaps and opportunities for unplanned fun. The beauty of planning is that it provides a framework, but there’s always room to deviate and welcome unexpected adventures!

I hope this helps you with your monthly planning and I hope you have a beautiful month ahead! Fill me in on what you have planned for your month!


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